Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
The Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment is the official journal of the IAEG and is published by Springer-Verlag from June 1998.
This international publishing house distributes the Bulletin to members and fosters new subscriptions in order that the important papers which are published become more widely available in libraries.
The Bulletin will continue to publish papers in English and French. As many readers have a greater fluency in English, French papers are preceded by an English summary significantly longer than the standard abstract. Reference to important figures will be made in the summary, although the diagrams themselves will be normally positioned within the text.
Submission guidelines are published in the Bulletin website.
Springer-Verlag are at the forefront of publishing technology.
Contributors are welcome to submit additional data supporting their published paper, in the form of tables or videos which can be accessed through the Internet.
Springer-Verlag also provide a Link system by which readers can access information about current and past issues of the Bulletin or other journals on the internet, further enhancing the opportunity of authors to disseminate their work to a wider readership.