Writing our own History

Engineering Geology is the science devoted to the investigation, study and solution of the engineering and environmental problems which may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the works and activities of man as well as to the prediction and of the development of measures for prevention or remediation of geological hazards.
IAEG statutes, 1992

The International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) was founded in 1964 and is affiliated to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). IAEG is a worldwide scientific society with more than 4,857 members and 68 national groups. The official languages of the IAEG are English and French.

The aims of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment are :

  • to promote and encourage the advancement of Engineering Geology through technological activities and research
  • to improve teaching and training in Engineering Geology, and
  • to collect, evaluate and disseminate the results of engineering geological activities on a worldwide basis.


The International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment cooperates with international scientific organisations and has the following major activities :

  • EDITS A MONTHLY JOURNAL, the Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment published by Springer Verlag, containing original scientific papers in English or in French, book reviews, meeting reports and a geodiary.
  • OPERATES COMMISSIONS led by eminent world specialists, which review the current state of the art on various topics, promoting international cooperation among geologists and engineers who have an interest in engineering geology and related environmental issues.
  • SUPPORTS INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS. An IAEG Congress is held every four years in an inviting a country selected from bidding countries at the time of the preceding Congress. IAEG activities are also organised on the occasion of the International Geological Congress. In addition, the IAEG sponsors various international symposia and regional conferences organized by national committees on specific topics.
  • PUBLISHES A NEWSLETTER, by General Secretary, circulated by e-mail twice a year to all members of the IAEG.
  • AWARDS to outstanding engineering geologists every two years.

The IAEG is associated with the Federation of International Geo-engineering Societies – FedIGS, which join the effort of the Sister Societies IGS, ISRM and ISSMGE.