The Summer School of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment has been founded in 2019 thanks to the proposal by the IAEG Italian National Group.
The main objective of this international summer school is the organization of training sessions dedicated mainly to young engineering geologists but it is open to graduate and post-graduate students of different backgrounds. The participation in the Summer School continues to be free of charge, and the topics of the school, as defined by the scientific committee, are be mainly addressed to engineering geology problems and their possible solutions and to the opening of new research, technical and professional fields.
The main characteristics of the school are:
• The participation to the school is free of charge, only travel and accommodation expenses are not included.
• The Summer School is mainly dedicated to PhD students; however, master students and post-docs can participate up to the participant limit.
• The location and the specific topics of the Summer School change every year, in order to give to PhD students the opportunity to participate at more than one Summer School.
• Encourage participation of students from low incoming countries.
• Encourage the participants to join the IAEG community to develop a tight network of international contacts between subjects interested in the development of the engineering geological fields
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Giovanni Crosta, Daniele Giordan, Francesco Zucca, Jean Hutchinson, Jean Alain Fleurisson, Vassilis Marinos, Haris Saroglou, Akos Torok, Christian Zangerl
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Daniele Giordan, Giovanni Crosta, Christian Zangerl, Francesco Zucca, Marco Alderighi, Raffaele Rocco, Davide Bertolo, Jean Pierre Fosson, Niccolò Dematteis