A Special Message From Scott Burns, President, IAEG

Welcome to our 7th IAEG Connector! In this issue, we are putting the spotlight on another IAEG officer and the third announced keynote speaker.

One of our two Vice Presidents for Europe is Professor Giorgio Lollino from Torino, Italy. His career in engineering geology has been a long and successful one! Not only was he President of the IAEG National Group for Italy, but he was Chair of IAEG’s most successful congress ever in 2014 in Torino! In addition to doing a great job representing Europe on the Executive Committee, he is also in charge of our website for IAEG as Web-Editor and has been doing this for many years. His service to IAEG has been exceptional, and he received the Marcel Arnould Medal for this service in 2016, but it was finally presented to him this May in Paris at our mid-year board meeting of the Executive Committee at L’Ecole des Mines in Paris. His photo is him receiving the medal in this classic building where Professor Marcel Arnould once worked!

I would also like to introduce another of the eight Keynote Speakers at our congress in San Francisco, Professor D. Jean Hutchinson from Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. She is a professor there in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. She is an expert in rock slope stability, and her talk will cover that area using many examples from western Canada. In San Francisco she will become the new Vice President for North America on our next Executive Committee for IAEG!

Prof. Scott Burns, President, IAEG

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