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This Special Issue will gather and present the latest findings from site investigations and numerical simulations carried out in subduction zones, including those for:

1) Seismic microzoning studies in urbanized areas;
2) Applications of geophysical and geotechnical techniques for the reconstruction of the subsoil geological model for microzoning activities;
2) Local seismic response assessment (site amplification); 3) Seismically induced landslides;
4) Volcanic hazard and related risk;
5) Hydraulic and hydrogeological risk;
6) Numerical modeling of the aforementioned natural hazards;
7) Multihazard assessment in urbanized areas.

We therefore are inviting submission of high-quality papers considering the abovementioned topics. Abstracts (max 350 words) should be submitted via the website or sent to the Editorial Office by 30 May 2022, and full-length papers and review papers by 30 October 2022.
Prof. Dr. Giovanna Vessia Prof. Dr. Christian Conoscenti Prof. Dr. Mario Luigi Rainone


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