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July 22-25 2024


The ICGdR is an international non-governmental and non-profit making scientific organization legally registered as a non-profit organization in 2013 in the Shimane prefecture government according to the Japanese law. The ICGdR contributes to a safe and secured social and natural environment by promoting the reduction of disasters triggered by geological and geophysical phenomena on the earth. The domicile of the ICGdR is Fukui city, Fukui prefecture in Japan.

The primary objectives of the ICGdR are:

1. Promote geo-disaster reduction for the benefit of human society and the natural environment, and capacity development, including education;
2. Combine international expertise and coordinate their efforts in geo-disaster reduction, thereby resulting in an effective international organization which will act as a partner in various projects; and

3. Promote regional and global, multidisciplinary activity on geo-disaster reduction.

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