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14 ARC of IAEG
Asian Regional Conference of International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment
‘Geoscience and Engineering for Disaster Resilience’
26-29 Feb 2024
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

ARC14 is organized by Society for Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics Malaysia (SEGRM). The organizer offer an ideal opportunity and platform for professionals from the international engineering geology and geotechnical engineering community to exchange the latest experiences and ideas, particularly on the conference theme “Geoscience and Engineering for Disaster Resilience”. In addition to the technical programs, we will organize short courses, workshops, technical visits, exhibitions, as well social programs. We will also offer attractive programs for young researchers and students, such as Young Engineering Geologist Session.

HOTEL: to be confirmed
Sabah (East Malaysia) occupies about 76 115 km2 at the northeast of the island of Borneo. Much of the topography is rugged, especially on the west coast. The state is built mainly of very thick, folded, Upper Cretaceous to Tertiary marine sedimentary rocks, with lavas and plutonites, and subordinate Mesozoic metamorphic rocks.

Site Characterization, Field & Laboratory Testing and Problematic Grounds Geological Hazards (Landslides, Earthquakes, etc.)
Engineering Geology and Geotechnics in Wet Tropical Terrains
Tunnelling for Infrastructures and Underground Facilities
Marine Engineering Geology and Offshore Geohazards
New Technology in Engineering Geology and Geotechnics including Renewable Energy
Special Session on ‘Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment’ and ‘Geoscience and Engineering Roles in Community=Based Disaster Risk Management’

Contact us
Email: admin-arc14@segrm.org
Phone: +6018-2524267 (Whatsapp only)

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