On behalf of the Commission 24 of IAEG, We would like to welcome all of you to joining us. Commission 24 was suggested to be established in 2004 by Prof. Wang Sijing, former Chairman of IAEG, and was approved in September 2008 during the conference of EUROENGEO 2008 at Madrid, so as to improve international academic communication in the field of neotectonics and geo-hazards.
It is very obvious that, although much research concerning on neotectonics and geo-hazards has been achieved by geologists all over the world, a great number of scientific issues are still urgently needed to be studied. Every year, a lot of people on the planet die from earthquake and geo-hazards. That is what we do not want to see, but it is a fact indeed. Especially during the great Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, about 88 thousands of people lost their valuable life, a quarter by earthquake triggered rockslides, rock falls and debris flows. We are facing on many new challenges on neotectonics and geo-hazards. In the other places of world, such as in the countries and regions around the Pacific Ocean, we are also facing great challenges including tectonic-active-based earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, landslides, etc. The current situation for us is a challenge, but we also believe an opportunity to geologists. We hope that we join hands together for a brighter future of the science and technology development on neotectonics and geo-hazards.
The work team of IAEG commission C24 hopes more researchers, teachers, as well as other professionals, who are interested in neotectonics and geo-hazards, join us, and make the C24 active and attractive. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.